Formed in 1903, the Catholic Daughters of the Americas is one of the Oldest and Largest Organizations of Catholic Women in the Americas. Under the patronage of the Blessed Mother, the Catholic Daughters of the Americas are united by their faith in Jesus Christ, in their devotion to the church and the Holy See. Members participate in social and charitable activities. For more information about the Catholic Daughters Chapter at St. Mary’s Parish, please contact Regent: Carol Herskovitz at 240-466-3186 or [email protected].
The Knights of Columbus is the largest Catholic lay organization in the world, with more than 1.75 million men and 14,000 councils worldwide. The organization is celebrated for standing in solidarity with our priests and bishops and for our unwavering support for life. Men from St. Mary’s belong to the Dr. John Henry Griffin Council #2293, which was founded at St. Mary’s. For more information contact Steve Law at (240) 320-3822 or S[email protected].
The Sodality is an organization of Catholic men and women whose mission consists of The Spiritual and Apostolic Way of Life. In our Spiritual Life we are committed to spiritual education, days of reflections, liturgy and retreats, daily prayers, and Holy Mass and recitation of the rosary.
In our Apostolic Life, we are committed to serving our families, the Church, and the parish community. Examples of our involvements are: visiting the sick and shut-in, donating to the needy, and helping to prepare meals/donate to homeless shelters. We also visit local nursing homes, support the Safe Nights Program, and prepare holiday gift baskets for the elderly of our community.
The Sodality meets the second Tuesday of each month in the church hall at 7:00 pm (except for July and August).
For more information on this organization, please contact Elaine Jones at 301-274-0716 or [email protected].