This organization assists the pastor in meeting the pastoral needs of our parish. Parish Council Meetings are usually held on the last Monday of the month at 7 pm in the Parish Hall.
The Chairman of the Parish Council is Rudy Carrico, Jr., the Vice-Chair is Doug Walls. For more information, please contact Father Conley at (301) 870-2220 or (301) 274-3187 or [email protected].
This body assists the pastor and parish council in the financial administration of the parish. For more information, please contact the Parish Office at (301) 870-2220 or (301) 274-3187.
For more information about this committee, please contact Alice Neal at (301) 274-3986.
This group gathers together for prayer and discussion to discern what the Holy Spirit has in store for expanding and enhancing St. Mary’s community. For more information, please contact Father Conley at (301) 870-2220 or (301) 274-3187 or [email protected].
For more information on this committee, please contact Karen Cross at (240) 412-0345.
This store is currently located in the back of the church. For more information on volunteering to help staff the store after Masses or assist in any way, please contact Ellen Walls at (301) 579-2557.
According to section 2413 of the new Policies for Catholic Schools, each parish school is to have a “School Advisory Board” which is to be made up of representatives of the school and parish communities. Included on this body as ex-officio members are the pastor, the principal of the school and the president of the Home and School Association. According to the policy, the role of this body is to advise the pastor, principal and parish council regarding the oversight, mission, status, and sustainability of the school.
School Advisory Board Meetings are usually held on the second Tuesday of the month at 7 pm in the Parish Hall. For more information on the School Advisory Board for St. Mary’s School, please contact Father Conley at (301) 870-2220 or (301) 274-3187 or [email protected].
This committee’s mission is to support families in need within St. Mary’s Parish. The committee helps provide for the basic necessities of life of needy parish families by raising funds and soliciting donations in order to furnish them with items such as food baskets, clothing, and children’s toys. The committee’s annual activities/projects benefitting the needy families of the parish include: Thanksgiving Food Basket Giveaway; Christmas Adopt-A-Family/Donate-A-Coat Campaign; Flea Market; and Easter Dinner Giveaway. For more information about getting involved in this extremely rewarding and important ministry, please contact Joan Chapman at (301) 932-7477.
This committee is currently conducting an extensive research project on the old section of the parish’s cemetery which is extremely historic. The research will eventually be shared with parishioners and others interested in our parish history. For more information on this committee, please contact Anne Boone at (301) 638-1833.
This group’s mission is to preserve the history and memory of St. Mary’s Colored School which was in operation in our parish from 1915-1967. For more information on this organization, please contact Denise Barnes, president of the organization, at (301) 870-4787.
For more information on this organization, please contact Valerie Potter Simpson at (301) 274-3992.
This Committee was recently established to welcome new parishioners. Jean Stickle and Alice Stewart agreed to co-chair this effort. For more information, please contact the parish office at (301) 870-2220 or (301) 274-3187.