Organization of all youth, grades 4 through high school, who wish to take an active part in the celebration of the Mass and other sacred ceremonies. The primary role of the altar server is to assist the priest in the celebration of the liturgy during Mass. Servers carry the cross, the processional candle(s), hold the Roman Missal (the book) for the priest celebrant when he is not at the altar, carry the incense and censer, assists in receiving the gifts from the gift bearers, wash the hands of the priest, assist the priest celebrant and deacon as necessary.
For more information about becoming an altar server, please contact Father Conley (301) 870-2220 or Karen Bray (301) 274-4469.
Volunteers in this ministry assist the clergy at funeral liturgies for parishioners. The name “Arimathean” is a tribute to Joseph of Arimathea, who took the initiative in the burial of Our Lord (Mark 15:42-46). Essentially, the duties are the same as those of altar servers at all other Eucharistic liturgies, with the exception of the opening and closing ceremonies peculiar to Masses of the Resurrection.
For more information, contact Karen Bray at 301-274-4469 or [email protected].
These individuals receive special training in order to assist the clergy in distribution of Holy Communion at Mass, as well as deliver Holy Communion to shut-ins. To participate, you must be a member of St. Mary’s Parish, and must have been baptized, received first communion, confirmed, and married (if applicable) in the Catholic Church.
For more information about becoming an Extraordinary Minister of Communion, please contact Father Conley (301) 870-2220 or Karen Bray (301) 274-4469.
These individuals proclaim the Holy Scripture at Masses as they read aloud the first and second readings. In early Christian times, the reader was of particular value due to the rarity of literacy.
For more information about becoming an Lector, please contact Father Conley at (301) 870-2220 or Deacon Jeff Johnson at [email protected]
Our Ushers provide a welcoming experience for all who attend St. Mary’s. They help to seat families, collect contributions, and distribute bulletins, before, during, and after Mass. For more information about becoming an usher at St. Mary’s, please contact Reginald (Reggie) Wade at (301) 705-5094.